How Should we Treat LGBTQ People?

Robert Williams
4 min readMar 5, 2021

Start with the most important things

The Example of Christ, the way Christ treated the most marginalized and vulnerable in society, is the most important thing in the Bible. Also, what did our Creator craft with their own divine hands? Was our universe, the reality that we live in, not crafted by the Creator directly? We humans can change how the universe looks, but not how it behaves.

Did our Creator give us brains to just be stupid to reality? Did our Creator give us eyes so that we may be blind to the pain and suffering of others? When deciding whether or not something is true, one must examine not that which was written down by men but instead what the Creator made.

When deciding how to treat others, we must consider how the Lord treated the most marginalized and the most outcast. We must use our reason to check our beliefs, interpretations of scripture and of reality, against the Example of Christ and against the record of the Creator, reality.

Take a look at LGBTQ youth: they are only a tenth of the total youth population and yet account for half of all homeless youth. Why are so many without shelter, warmth, food, medicine, and love? Before you judge them for “the bad life-style choice”, put yourself in their shoes before you judge them.

Put yourself in their shoes

Imagine being strapped to a chair and having your genitals electrocuted or being forced to take pills that make you sick, while being exposed to pornography, so that a “therapist” can “cure you”. Imagine knowing that your parents, who are supposed to love and protect you, are forcing you into this sexual abuse.

Imagine being so afraid of what your parents are doing to you that you run away, or imagine that your parents hate you so much that they discard you like you are garbage. Imagine knowing tonight that you don’t have a safe and warm place to sleep and imagine not knowing if you will even eat tomorrow.

Imagine not being able to go to the police because they may not care and even if they did, they can’t do anything about it. Imagine some finance “expert” on talk show radio tells you that it is all your fault and that you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, in a state where you can legally be refused employment for being gay.

Imagine knowing that the person who sexually abused you gets paid good money to do it, they live in nice homes, and the churches that preach vile things about you make millions of dollars and pay zero taxes; while you struggle just to find a dry place to sleep at night.

This is reality for tens of thousands of LGBTQ children; does any of this sound like something Jesus would do? Has he ever discarded a child and thrown them into homelessness? Has the Lord ever sexually tortured a child?

Name one verse where Jesus slept with despots such as Putin in order to pass “anti-homosexual propaganda” laws. Name one chapter where he beat a homosexual or transgender child to death. Name one place anywhere in the entire bible where he refused to heal someone because they were gay.

Let the record of reality show that penalizing children because they are LGBTQ causes more pain and suffering than homosexuality or being transgender ever could. These bigots claim that culture is trying to cancel Christianity, that our culture is anti-Christian, that LGBTQ people have a sinister agenda to oppress Christians.

Those poor persecuted [anti-gay] evangelicals

In reality, these “oppressed” and “persecuted” “Christians” are the ones not following Christ’s Example, and are the ones with millions of dollars in the bank, great social and political power and influence; all the while the “evil” homosexuals and transgender people struggle just to survive with many LGBTQ children not even having food or shelter.

The Mormon Church has sixty billion dollars in assets, tax free; the Vatican is estimated to have a trillion dollars in assets, tax-free, and protestant evangelical churches also have billions. All of these anti-LGBTQ churches have billions of dollars and are always digging for gold; while tens of thousands of LGBTQ children have nothing.

These “Christians” like David Pratt are not oppressed, they are not persecuted; the only thing that they are oppressed by is their own persecution complexes of their own oppression Olympics. Given that they have millions and billions, while many LGBTQ children don’t even have access to basic needs, shows really clearly who is really the persecuted and who is really the ones with the evil agenda.

If your belief system results in children being sexually abused and disowned into homelessness, your belief system is seriously evil and immoral in any position on God; from atheism to theism. If the way you talk about others and treat others contradicts they way Jesus treated others, you are the one who is anti-Christian.

“But Romans and First Corinthians said…” what does Captain Kirk need with a spaceship? A few dubious verses about homosexuals in no way outweighs the Example of Christ; and in no way justifies the way LGBTQ people are treated. These bigots love to act as if God died and gave them his crown. Imagine standing before God and he asks you why you sexually abused and discarded the child he gave to you. What will your excuse be?

The only sin and immoral thing here are religions that are anti-LGBTQ and that treat LGBTQ like a sin. They are inherently toxic and evil, down to the core. [Why anti-LGBTQ Religions are Inherently Toxic and Evil]



Robert Williams

A Proud homosexual trans-ally, supporting tolerance and love.